Chartreuse & co - Occasional Sales & Online Store
Open monthly: Jan-Nov on 3rd Fri/Sat/Sun & Nov-Dec on 1st Fri/Sat/Sun | Hours & Directions

When We’re Open

2025 Openings

Holiday Makers’ Market 2025

All dates subject to change, so please check our website for full details throughout the year.

Click here to shop online!

Click here for advance photos of what’s available in the barn.

Types of Event Openings

Chartreuse is open monthly for event weekends, and every Saturday from 10-4 for quiet shopping and pick-ups.

Our in-person openings are barn openings, in which the barns and grounds are open, music is playing, and food is on site.  Three times a year we additionally invite guest dealers to our event, meaning twice the goods and twice the fun!  These are our Market Days, which are once in spring, once in fall, and a monthlong holiday-themed event throughout November and into the first week of December. 

Barn Openings (all other months)
The barn and grounds are open, and food, wine / beer / cocktails, and other vendors are on site. 

Market Days & Holiday Makers’ Market (triannually)
The barn and grounds are open, plus dozens of guest designers, artisans, and dealers set up throughout the grounds.  The event includes multiple food trucks, wine, cocktails, and a mini farmers’ market. It’s our Barn Openings on steroids!  It includes our Spring Market Days, Fall Market Days, and the Holiday Makers’ Market series. 

Order Pickup Hours (weekly)
Just need to pickup an order, whether one placed online, or at a prior opening?  No problem.  We have hauling staff on site every Saturday 10 am – 4 pm to help load your purchases – no appointment necessary.  If Saturdays don’t work for you, that’s okay too:  you can schedule a private appointment to pickup at another time.  If you’re picking up a large item or furniture at a private appointment, remember to bring your own muscle! 

Need a gift certificate? Get one online!

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