We’ve been pruning and mowing, hauling and decorating, all in anticipation of the 20+ dealers who are arriving over the next 2 days as we prepare for Market Days – our first ever – this Saturday and Sunday.

I have to admit I’m a little nervous.  We’re all so excited to see what they bring.  Can you imagine anything more thrilling than a flea market coming to your home for the weekend?  Talk about shopping heaven!!  I know I’ll have to control myself. . .

A little order goes a long way, so here’s what we’re doing (you’re getting the early scoop) –

The shopping starts at 9AM on Saturday, noon on Sunday.

Wear your flea market attire; bring your big ole bag (and the truck!).

Bring cash (everyone accepts it).  Only some of the outdoor dealers will accept checks.

We’ll have a special outdoor (in the corn crib) credit-card-only check out, just in case you come upon that amazing piece that breaks your cash budget.  But be prepared for lines and waiting for this service. 

Outside items must be picked up by Sunday at 4pm.

Overflow parking is available next door at St Thomas More Academy.

Here’s some images of the great stuff that’s in the Chartreuse & co barn, which will be chuck full, by the way.  I’ll be shooting pictures of what the outdoor dealers bring as they set up over Thursday and Friday.  Stay tuned!

