I’ve been a bit paint crazy lately. The barn, the girls’ apartment, my bedroom, my laundry room. Chip, my husband, just doesn’t get why I’m so into it (or see the value of $85/gallon paint vs. $30/gallon paint).  But, frankly, I’ve become obsessed with the transformative power that gallon contains.

It should also be noted that we live in a 1898 farmhouse with some pretty spectacular wood trim that I’ve been itching to paint for 10 years. Chip is completely opposed. So I offer the following evidence of the positive power of paint (from CuriousDetails.com blog):

BEFORE: an efficient, if uninteresting office.

AFTER: Add a little paint, and you’ve got WOW! I particularly love the contrast of the deep, rich blue doors against the clean white office space beyond. An inspired choice.

BEFORE: the broader view of the office space

AFTER: The amazing power of simple white paint. Wouldn’t you love entering this office space each day?
Also note that by using the built-ins within arms’ reach of the desk, a smaller desk became practical – allowing for the comfort of the pair of chairs in the room.

I hope this gives you some inspiration (it gave me loads!), and perhaps some ammunition as you carry on the to-paint-or-not-to-paint debate with your other half.

Thanks for reading!
